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6 Things You Don’t Know About Monique Haynes


This month has been a momentous time for Salon Red, in the midst of a year that is alreadya big milestonefor the company. For one stylist in particular, this month has held a number of such milestones. Stylist Monique Haynes celebrated her own 15th anniversary with the company, an achievement that is truly a rare one in today’s fast changing culture. In many ways, Monique is the heart of Salon Red. If not for her own belief in what this company could be and her trust in the vision that Jessica had, Salon Red might not be here today. For that we are all more grateful than we can say, and that is why we are thrilled to present6 Things You Don’t Know About Monique Haynes:

1. Monique has worked in salons since she was old enough to work:Despite a brief detour into the world of retail, Monique has always felt most at home in salons.“This industry just came naturally. I remember playing in my aunt’s make-up and high heels when I was tiny. In 6th grade my mom took me to a salon and let me get my hair colored for the first time. That was it. I fell in love with hair. As soon as I was old enough, I got a job as a receptionist and have been in salons ever since.”

2. Monique loves helping her guests correct color jobs gone bad:We’ve all been there. That miracle box dye your best frenemy swore would make you look just like Christina Hendricks has your hair looking like a clown wig instead. Now you’ve got two days before that hot date to fix it. It’s these hair emergencies that Monique craves.“Clients sit down with this huge challenge, and I get to help them save their hair. It can take work, but when the client sees their hair I get immediate gratification from the look in their eyes.I love how happy my guests are afterwards.”If you are in the midst of a follicle related crisis, Monique advises that you make sure to bring pictures, and be super honest about your hair history.

3. She’s a Barbie Girl:If you’ve ever had the pleasure of sitting in Monique’s chair then you know: Monique is the epitome of girly-glam. From her big blonde hair to her signature shoe collection, this is one girl who’s got her Mattel-inspired fashion down! In fact, the only reason she’s ever even considered doing anything besides hair is that, as a stylist, spending all day on her feet means she can’t wear higher heels.

4. She’s Pinterest-Obsessed:Patterns, nature, even every day things like flooring can be sources of inspiration for Monique. But to quote the woman herself“What would any of us do without Pinterest?”Well if you ask us, truer words have never been spoken! Here on the digital side of the Salon Red family, we LOVE the site for all it’s pinnable awesomeness. From practical tutorials to high-fashion photos that could only exist in fantasy, Pinterest has revolutionized the way stylists and guests can share ideas, and Monique has definitely led the way for Salon Red’s boards! Check them outhere!

5. When not doing hair Monique is all about family:As an experienced stylist, Monique has definitely mastered the art of listening more than she talks. But if you want to get this momma to talk, simply ask her about her son. 11-year-old Sebastian is clearly the light of Monique’s life, and it’s been a joy to see him growing up at the salon. Particularly on days when school is out, we love having our little helper around to assist his extended styling family!

6. For Monique, Salon Red is the family she never expected:“I love my guests, and my fellow stylists. I get to be myself and I’ve become friends with people I don’t think I ever would have met otherwise. Plus I get to work with my best friend. It’s weird. I don’t believe it’s like that at every salon.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. From day one, it’s been Monique’s and Jessica’s incredible bond that has helped Salon Red become the eclectic, sometimes crazy, but always loving family that we are today. We are so grateful to be sharing this journey with her. Thank you Monique! Thank you for being a part of our lives for 15 years. We love you more than we can say!

You can learn more about Monique’s journey with Salon Red in last month’s edition of theStory of Us! Stay tuned for Part 3 coming soon!

